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Electric VS Gas Surfboard. Which one is right for you?
Sources: | Date: 2022-03-08 | Views: 9067


Electric VS gas surfboard comparison

We differentiate to types of motors depending on the power source. When the power source is gasoline, the engine will be internal combustion. On the other hand, if the power source is a battery, the engine will be electric. Let´s see the main differences between them.

Charging time

Batteries need to be charged. Fuel tanks need to be loaded. electric board batteries usually charge from 0 to 100 in approximately 3hours. This is quite a lot of time compared to filling the fuel tank of petrol jetboards, which can have their fuel tank filled in a matter of minutes. Electric surfboard users usually have additional batteries for their boards. In this way, once a battery is discharged, the only thing they have to do is to plug another one and continue riding.


Riding time

Following with the automobile industry analogy, it goes without saying that electric cars range is lower than petrol ones. Check the Mercedes EQC, with 410 km range. This is quite normal in such a young industry. However, new developments in electric mobility are allowing to increase this range more and more every day. For instance, Tesla model S has a 647 km battery range, quite close to petrol cars.

Same happens with electric surfboards range. Up today, the average ride time of electric surfboards is between 20 and 40 minutes, and petrol ones, around 1 hour. The more cells a battery contains, the more range it has. However, the range decreases the more power a battery supplies, and batteries become heavier the more cells they have. It is essential to find a midpoint between riding time, weight, and power supply.

Max speed and acceleration

Electric engines have less moving parts so the power goes directly to the turbine. This advantage provides to electric surfboards more torque and acceleration than petrol surfboards. The energy of the battery transforms in the movement of the turbine in the same moment you press the trigger of the controller.

It is true that petrol engines achieve higher speeds when driving in a long straight line. But this does not give the feeling of going fast. Torque and acceleration are what makes you say “Hell ya, this is so fast!”. Even more, up to now, the fatest jetboard is not petrol powered, but electric.


  • The gasoline surfboard is lighter in weight and is more convenient to transport than a surfboard with a battery.

  • Electric surfboards, powered with clean power, have less restrictions, as they are emission free.

  • There are different levels of gasoline and electric Maintenance, please note that for their maintenance please check your jetboard manufacturer guidelines before proceeding with the maintenance.

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