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Today's world's highest level skateboarding competition 13 minutes high-energy review
Sources: | Date: 2021-12-17 | Views: 3089

Olympic Skateboard Qualifiers (Review of Men's Street Finals)

The Dew Tour has officially ended, and the men's final is here! How high is the level? Take a look at the comments on the tubing:

Nyjah's four moves are all up to 9 points or more, which makes him unstoppable. 

His half-cab to backside smith grind to backside 180 out on the 11th step ramp if not shocked enough.

His half-cab backside noseblunt to fakie, heelflip frontside tailslide, 

and heelflip frontside 5-0 on this prop make everyone crazy. 

He said after the game that he had never tried a heelflip frontside 5-0 in his practice.


Yuto’s best route starts with a backside frontside taiłslide, followed by a bump to lipslide, 

with a treflip 50-50 ramp in the middle, nollie 270 boardslide, nollie 270 to backside lipslid, 

and a nollie alley- at the end. oop backside 180 to switch backside 50-50!

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French Aurelien Giraud also shines in the competition, including hardflips to frontside boardslides, 

big hardflips over gap, and his impressive 360 flip gap out to nose grind!

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After Dew Tour, the Olympic Skateboard Bowl qualifiers have come to an end. 

There will be a street-style qualifier in Rome, Italy next month. 

Please pay attention to our follow-up reports.

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